Thursday, April 21, 2011

Data Aggregation System


DAS stands for Data Aggregation System. It is developed for CMS experiment at CERN. It is used to search and aggregate meta-data from various relational and non-relational data-services.

As you can imaging any big project carries a lot of data. In case of CMS we talk about PB scale. The associated meta-data is at the order of TB and spread across multiple data-services. Those data-services are usually developed using well known 3-tier architecture and backed up by various databases. At CMS we have variety of database back-ends, from ORACLE to SQLite, depending on scale and purpose of the application. Those data-services are developed by different (international) teams and dedicated to serve specific tasks in CMS. For example, the data bookkeeping system keeps tracks of meta-data produced by experiment, while condition database knows about detector operational details at certain period of time. It worth to mention that all of these data-services are developed using different languages and satisfy certain requirements and security policies. At the end, our users face out a problem of searching different kinds of meta-data for their needs. Such tasks include a data discovery part via browsing of data, aggregation tasks to make summaries, production tasks to schedule jobs, etc. As you can imaging very soon such tasks become very challenging with growing number of data services. The differences in data-formats, semantics become a large burden for non-expert users. Moreover our users want to see data correlation, consistency checks, etc. Well, you got the idea. How you can solve this problem? A naive user immediate respond: do it as google did. But the problem is that we can't index data-services (databases), right? So we went another route. We build DAS.

The idea ...

In nutshell, the DAS is a very simple. It works with data-providers who can answer certain questions. For instance, what is a weather forecast in certain region, or what are the gas prices in my area. The data providers knows such information (they probably stores it in RDMS) and if they are accessible in one form or another you can place queries against them. The DAS uses a query language (QL). It is intuitive enough for end-users and very close to free text based searches used in search engines. For example, zip=111, means I'm looking for specific information about zip code 111. You can say, common this is silly, google knows about it. Right, but it knows only what it indexes and no further. What if you'll impose a slightly different question: give me housing prices for prices at zip=111? Google will give you a bunch of documents about real estate, which means you spend your time going through many of those to find what you want.  So, we're trying to fill this gap. A simple query, e.g. zip=111, can be associated with different data-providers who can return a different information about it from their internal sources and DAS can aggregate it on demand.

DAS translates input query into a set of URL calls to participated data-providers and store output results into MongoDB for subsequent data look-up. Turns out MongoDB is excellent fit for this job. First, it provides a flexible QL. Second, it is schema-less document oriented database, which means that DAS can ask any data-service, parse its data and just store results without knowing meaning of the data. And finally, MongoDB is fast and can scale, see initial benchmarks. You may ask a question here, how DAS knows about participated data-providers, does it do auto-discovery, like WSDL? No, not really. DAS uses external maps (configuration) which provides mapping between DAS QL keys and associated data-providers, so it is configurable. You can configure DAS to talk to 2 data-providers or to 100, it is your choice and domain expertise. We use DAS within high-energy physics experiment, but DAS test suit are written against google data-services.

Fair enough, let's see how it works:

Very simple, isn't? An end-user places a query, DAS translates it into URL calls, collects required information and presents it to the user. Wait, but how does it make this translation? Well, it is very similar to the way people, who speak different languages are communicating among each other. You need a dictionary or translator! So far so good, the translator will translate input query into series of URL calls who can answer this query. Let's assume that we have 2 data providers, the weather and geo-location services. What is common among them. Well, they both provide information about specific region. Such region can be identified as city name or zip code. But their output will contain a different type of information, the weather service will tell you about current temperature/forecast for given city, while geo-location can tell you its latitude/longitude and population. What common between them is a city name (or similar identifier), right? So, if they both returns results with city name you can aggregate those results. Well, not so easy. What if their semantics are different? That means you need another translation, a translation from data-service output into DAS, who can aggregate the results. For instance, one data-service returns zip, while another returns zip_code. As human being we understand that this is identical information, but machine need to be trained. So we reach the point when DAS work-flow can be shown as following

The diagram actually shows that DAS works as data-retrieval system and can be used as a cache. Yes, that's right. It does not own the data, it get them from participated data-providers and can hold data in internal cache (MongoDB). If data providers provide a valid HTTP expires part of the header DAS can use it, otherwise valid defaults can be assigned at configuration time. But it's not a full story. We designed DAS to be intelligent cache. We run analytics services to analyze the user queries and use dedicated robots to pre-fetch most popular data on demand:

This diagram shows actual communication of DAS with CMS data-services (dbs, sitedb, phedex, etc.). Internally, DAS uses MongoDB for three purposes: to hold the data from participated providers in DAS cache db, to keep aggregated information in DAS merge db and perform analytics task by collecting information in DAS analytics db. The DAS Query Language (QL) maps directly into MongoDB QL and serves a dual role. It used to map input  query into data-provider's URL calls and at the same time to query results from underlying DAS DB's, for more information see [1].

I think its time to stop now. Next time we will talk about DAS QL.

1. The CMS data aggregation system, V. Kuznetsov, D. Evans, S. Metson, International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010.